Solved: Run a rule when a specific comment is made on an ... 您所在的位置:网站首页 value issue Solved: Run a rule when a specific comment is made on an ...

Solved: Run a rule when a specific comment is made on an ...

2024-06-29 19:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hello @Pasi Entaban 

I see two problems in your Compare.

First, when you use the smart value {{issue.comments}} you are telling the Automation rule that you want to look at the list of all comments associated with the issue, and look at all attributes of those comments (author, body, dates, etc.)

With the Issue Commented trigger, if you want to reference the Comment that was made that triggered the rule, you need to look at the {{comment}} smart value.

If you want to look specifically at the text that was entered for the Comment, you need to reference the body attribute. So you need {{comment.body}} as the first element of your comparison rather than {{issue.comments}}


Second, it looks like the text you are comparing to has brackets of some sort around it. If you put curly brackets around it - {{text}} - then the automation rule thinks you've given it the name of a smart value, which is not what you want to do. You need to supply a value just like in the View all issues screen where you would create a filter to search for a text phrase in field, and that would to surround the text with double quotes.

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